350th Maine State Heritage Fish Water Gets Informational Signs...

In what is NFC’s largest volunteer effort to date, and possibly the largest of its kind anywhere, informational signs were just posted on the 350th State Heritage Fish Water in Maine.

A joint project between the Maine chapter of NFC, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, and Maine Department of inland Fisheries and Wildlife, NFC designed the signs, raised the money to procure the signs and the hardware to post them, and manages the effort. SAM houses an inventory of signs and hardware and provides a centralized pickup location for volunteers.

This statewide multi-year effort has resulted in over 1,000 hours and 25,000 miles of in-kind support from volunteers, showing just how much Maine anglers and those from outside the state that fish in Maine appreciate this unique and irreplaceable wild native fish resource.

A multiple access point water, the signs were posted by Libby Camps, Maine’s most famous sporting camp. Libby Camps has posted 10 signs on 8 waters to date and have committed to posting signs on 4 other waters. They also made a generous donation to help pay for signs. Please support Libby Camps as they have supported NFC and Maine’s wild native brook trout.

Special thanks to Matt Libby, Jr., and Libby Camps for their ongoing support.

libby camps, a maine tradition